
Most of us know the story of Mary and Martha.  I know I've heard many lessons on it.  Today as I was reading in Luke chapter 10, one small part of the story spoke to me.  Verse 40 says, "But Martha was distracted with much serving."

She was serving Jesus and his followers and yet was distracted from worshiping him.  There are times when I feel like I'm serving, doing good things that God desires, but distracted from God.  The day gets full, the night comes, exhaustion sets in and I realize I haven't had quiet time with the Lord.  I know that without HIM and HIS strength all my work is useless. 

I am trying to remember to put Jesus first, to get filled by HIM and then work in HIS strength.  Let's face it, distractions abound!  They aren't necessarily bad either.  Caring for your children, meeting their needs.  Tending to your family and friends. Helping others and when homeschooling on top of that you have all the lessons to prepare and teach.  Dishes pile up, laundry needs to be done, and in all that running and busyness we loose track of our time doing the ONE thing we need most.  We need Jesus and His direction, His peace and joy the very most. 

Join me in trying to not be distracted from the LORD but to choose Him first.


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