
This week my dear friend was hospitalized with a massive infection and in the process found out that her cancer has spread to her lungs, and her bones.  It's in her pelvic bone, sternum, ribs, and spine.  I found this out while caring for her three young children, one only 2 months old.  I sit in shock and wonder what God's plans and will is in this situation.  I also sit in awe of my dear friend.  She constantly looks to Jesus for peace and holds to Him even in very dark times.

I selfishly want to be with her in the hospital and to give her hugs and to just sit with her.  In this time I need God's perfect peace.  I need that verse more than ever to think on what is good and allow Him to regulate my mind.  Seriously regulate. 

I sat in the grocery store parking lot for a half an hour while my kids watched a movie on our portable movie player.  Could have been a devotion time, but all I was doing was trying to focus on what I needed in the store.  I was trying to make a list but how my mind wandered. 

Please keep her and her precious little ones in your prayers.

May we all keep close to the Lord and be given His peace.


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