Staying Centered

I haven't been able to write much lately.  Things have been very busy.  I've been spending a lot of time tending to my friend's children as she deals with doctor's appointments and all that has to be done with her recent diagnosis.  Life can seem chaotic when our routines get thrown out the window and we add more children to our home school classroom.  It reminds me all the more of why I need to be centered on Christ.

I need to have my mind on him, my thoughts on him so that I can function through the day, no matter what life throws at me.  If God is not my focus than I start to get flustered because things aren't going by my plans, my schedule my desires.  I become angry easier at children or friends when they throw a wrench into my system.  Like the temper tantrum my youngest threw as I was trying to get out the door. 
These things can put me in a state of panic or I can give it to Jesus and say, "Okay Lord you know all things.  You know I have appointments to get to. You know the crazy schedule I'm keeping and all the running we're doing. You know my lack of sleep and my worry for my dear friend.  You know how the kids are bickering and schooling is not getting done the way I envision.  Lord you know it all, please give me the right perspective and help me to meet the needs of my family.  Give me strength and patience in this moment." 

I want to be centered on Christ.  I want to be always thinking about him and handing over my plans.  I know I need him.  Without him I'm a mess.  Yet I have to make the choice to focus on him. 

How do you focus on Christ, when everything around you seems out of control?


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