Sick and Tired

Just being real today.  My eldest has been sick all week and I'm drained. Having kids waking up throughout the night coughing and feverish is a recipe for disaster.  Goodbye, good night's sleep.  I think about how a little cold completely changes our routines.  The focus shifts from growing in our academics to just keeping up with the needs of the day.  I feel like I run through the day getting more tissues, more tea, more drinks, more chest rubs, more medicines.  I love using natural remedies and herbs, so there is getting those to be taken at the right times.  Making soup, making vitamin smoothies or pop-sickles to help the sore throats.  It seems like I'm constantly taking out trash of tissues, or vomit and doing laundry trying to keep all the germs from spreading. All of this for just a little cold.

Then I think about those going through serious sickness.  Cancer spreading throughout their bodies.  Literally fighting to live daily.  I think of my best friend as she battles cancer and begins another new treatment.  Chemo today.  I think of her having to sit for 5 hours as the chemo is pumped into her blood and body.  She's fought so hard, and used so many more natural means hoping to avoid chemo. I think of her having to surrender all daily to God knowing that only He knows what the future will bring and only he can truly heal her.  I think how hard it is in that circumstance to focus on small daily tasks when thoughts can easily be consumed with the sickness.

I think of the children in Africa, that I read about in Kisses from Katie.  I think about the sick that are dying alone, without anyone to care for them.  I think of the children with no mommies to rub their aching bodies or to make them tea or to just cuddle them as they sleep.  The ones that have no money for the medicines that will help them feel better and get better quicker.  I think of those who have no friends to bring them a meal or a blanket.

Even in our sickness I see our excess, our blessings.  My kids may be sick and I may be tired, but I know it's temporary.  I know we have the resources to get better.  I know we will soon return to our normal daily routine.  I am blessed with friends who pray for us and people who pick up some groceries when I can't get out of the house with sick kids.  I'm blessed with friends that have brought over soup.  I see these blessings and feel so humbled.  I am not worthy. I am not better than those who are truly sick and dying around the world, yet I have so many blessings.  I do not deserve it, I just happened to be born in America and surrounded by excess.  I thank the Lord for my blessings and I thank him for reminding me that even when we are sick and tired we still have so much to be thankful for.

Whatever you are going through today may you see God's blessings in the midst of it.  May you know that you are blessed and may you reach out to those around you and bless them.

1 Thessalonians 5:18  In all things give thanks for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.  


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