A Child will Lead Them

My oldest handed me her writing notebook, with smiling eyes she said, "Mom, read what I wrote today during free write."  I opened her book and started to read.  In moments like this I see God working on her heart and her thoughts.  I see fruit from all the hard work of parenting and homeschooling.  I thought I'd share what she wrote. The following paragraphs are from my 6th graders free write. 

Recently after reading Kisses From Katie, and Daring to Hope I have realized how truly blessed we in America are. The people of Uganda and other places struggle every day to just get even a little food for their only meal.  When I hear people say, "I'm starving," or "I need.." a new anger rises in me, as I think of those people who are truly starving and in true need. 

We don't "need" anything, except God, some clothes on our back and food.  America is so rich and food is so abundant.  We have designer clothes and huge homes, sometimes for just one person.  While across the world if you're lucky you might just get one small meal and a house built of mud bricks with a dirt floor, with a dirty mat to lie on. 

Children and adults die every day from sickness and medical care is scarce.  Here in America we start to feel sick, we can drive down the road to the doctor and get the help we need.  Across the world children with no family to care for them line the streets and fill orphanages.  Here children are taken care of and adopted and loved.  There, some don't even know love.

When people say, "Life is so hard here," I don't think they grasp the fact that half of the our world is starving and dying and fearful for what's ahead.  I'm not saying we should sell everything and move to the desert or something.  I'm just trying to get the point out that we are blessed in many ways, and we need to thank God for that. Of course if you feel a calling to help or give follow it! You could change a life. 


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