Bloom Part 3: Spring Crocus

Spring Crocus
As I read through Isaiah 35:1-10, (follow the link to read it) I saw the parallels between my own parched heart and the desert wilderness.  The verse says, "the desert will be glad, the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom, it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy." I have been dry, feeling like a wilderness. Parched. Feeling like a desert, that nothing good could grow or come forth.  Yet again, the Lord is showing me that even in that place he can make new life burst forth.  He can make it bloom. 

The verse mentions a crocus, so I looked it up.  Some versions say lily, some say rose but many say crocus.  A crocus is a flower that is super versatile. It can grow pretty much anywhere.  It usually is the first flower to burst forth in spring and sometimes even comes up while there is still snow on the ground.  It's a reminder that spring is indeed coming.  It may seem like winter, like a desert, but spring is just around the corner.  The flower grows all over the world and doesn't seem to have a preferred soil, it will even burst out of a sidewalk.  If only I would be like that little flower. If I would bloom no matter where I'm planted, no matter how hard or cold or dry my life or circumstances may seem. I want to burst forth with life.  The crocus also comes in so many amazing colors, bringing beauty to the landscape around it. Don't we all want that too, to bring beauty and life to those around us.

The verse doesn't just say it will feel mediocre, it says it will rejoice greatly, and shout for joy.  I want to rejoice greatly.  I want to shout for joy.  It reminded me that when we rejoice in the midst of all things, when we can thank the Lord come what may, our desert doesn't feel so barren. We are no longer parched, because we get a glimpse of our Savior. 

The verse goes on and was a prophecy of Jesus coming, as he would open the eyes of the blind and deliver divine retribution.  I believe it points to both his first coming and to the time he will come again and set all things in order. The end of verse 10 says,  "they will enter Zion with singing, everlasting joy will crown their heads, gladness and joy will over take them, sorrow and sadness will flee away." I know this is a picture of us entering into heaven.  We will see our creator and all the sorrows of this earth will pass away. We will rejoice in a way we will never fully understand on this side of eternity.  At the same time I feel like it's a promise for me right where I am. God sees me in the here and now and he is reminding me that I can have joy.  The sorrow and sadness will flee and joy will over take me.

My prayer for myself, my children and for you, if you're reading this, is that we will look to Jesus and bloom right where we are.  We will shout for joy to the Lord, for he is our savior. He came and set us free from sin and death and he will come again and usher us into eternity where we will be crowned with everlasting joy.  Yahweh, help us to remember that promise, to remember what you have done and rejoice greatly.  Help us to burst forth in bloom.  Fill us with your spirit so that we are no longer a desert place or a wilderness but a fragrant, bright blossom for your kingdom.  I want to bloom. I want my children to bloom. I want my friends and family to bloom and rejoice.  May our sorrow and sadness flee, Jesus, and joy over take us.  Amen.


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